In every project that we take on as a company, we are proud to say that we are using LED lights. For those of you who aren’t up to date with growing innovations in energy efficiency and ecologically friendly products, you may be wondering why we would be proud to use a certain type… Read more »
Enjoy More Hours in the Day!
One of the great benefits of outdoor lighting is the fact that it allows you and your family to spend more time together outdoors. Growing up, how many times did you hear your parents say, “Make sure you’re home by the time the street lights come on”? As a parent now, how many times… Read more »
Feel Safe in Your Own Home
Regardless of which neighborhood, in which town of which ever part of the country, everyone has that underlying fear that an intruder may enter their home. You watch enough crime shows and horror flicks to have you double checking the locks and peering behind every corner when home alone. You even go out to… Read more »
Boost Your Curb Appeal
The curb appeal that a home has says a lot about the people who live behind that front door. As a home owner, the pride you take in designing the interior should also be reflected on the exterior of the home. So you put on a fresh coat of paint and strategically landscape on… Read more »