LED in the City

It didn’t take long for an entire city to change over to LED lights recently. Buenos Aires in Argentina just changed over from the thousands of streetlights they previously had to LED lights that were completely integrated and connected to each other. This process was to bring about the brilliant interfacing of a computer with the connected lights to provide simply and easy access and the ability to change the lights over when night comes.

But that isn’t all. The citywide LED light interface was designed with various ideas in mind. The biggest of course was turning the lights on and off with a simple computer program. But some of the others that were brought about as well included dimming the light levels for situations where power was needed to be conserved, as well as separate operation of each light so that you can shut down or turn on any one light that might be required in certain areas.

The change to this new LED interface has actually led the entire city to consume significantly less energy than it previously had, simply by changing from the previous lights to LED ones. But then the ability to dim the lights as the day grows brighter, or brighten them as the night gets darker allows significant control of the power used in the city, providing another chance to save more energy. But also a way of checking on and keeping maintenance of each light in case something happens to them!

Overall, the operation that Buenos Aires has created may just lead to more cities doing the same thing, just because of the incredible long time costs that will be saved. LED lights truly are a revolution, and offer the perfect option of connecting with computers too, which provides greater control than any other light you would find. There is nothing like having computer-automated lights at the tip of your fingers, while also saving energy.


Source: http://www.designboom.com/technology/buenos-aires-connected-led-lighting-philips-07-23-2014/