In the last post, we discussed LIGHTFAIR® International. The conference helps to guide the lighting industry, “light the path” so to speak, as we head into the future.
The future, it seems, has already been decided; there is a winner in the light bulb wars. For the past few years, fluorescent, halogen and LED bulbs have been fighting it out on battlefields from coast to coast. LED bulbs are coming out on top. It is evolution, survival of the fittest; compact fluorescent light bulbs replace incandescent bulbs and LED bulbs are replacing compact fluorescent bulbs.
In the article, “A winner in the light bulb wars,” Peter Suciu of Fortune writes, “According to NPD DisplaySearch’s latest forecast, LED in light applications will double from 15 million units in 2012 to a forecasted 33 million in 2013. That number could triple by 2015.”
That is a large predicted growth, but it makes sense. LED lights are simply more effective, having longer lifespans, not to mention more environmentally friendly. At Illuminations USA, we have known this for a number of years, but now other people and countries are catching on. Japan, for example, has a large LED market. China will soon be joining them. The global LED presence will only continue to grow, especially in Europe and Asia. Analysts, however, predict developing countries will still rely on incandescents and fluorescents. They are cheaper and in greater numbers.
Nevertheless, LEDs are here to stay. Philip Smallwood, a lighting market analyst, believes the true allure of LEDs is their coolness. Yes, their coolness. He said, “The whole mindset of light could change, as LED really allows people do much more in terms of ambiance. LED can be played with new ways that makes them cool. This could change the mentality of the consumer, which is typically hard to do.” That is optimism at its finest, suggesting that how we view light will change. It will become more ambiance-driven, and we will look at the industry…in a new light. That is indeed cool.
Thankfully, Illuminations USA has been ahead of the curve and Central Florida as well. Providing only the best strategically placed landscape and architectural lighting, we have taken houses and streets to that next ambient level. Just check out the picture to the right!
Interesting in reports from the light bulb war? You can find Suciu’s article here.