Chances are you have worked hard to make your house and yard look stunning, so why let your hard work disappear when nighttime comes? With a flick of a switch and some strategically placed landscape lights, you can minimize the darkness and put all of your beautiful work on display.
Not sure where to place your outdoor lights? We have a few suggestions to help you highlight your homes features:
Less is more
The eye is usually drawn towards areas with the greatest amount of visual contrast, so it doesn’t take a lot of lighting fixtures to create a really beautiful effect. After all, you don’t want your guests to be blinded by the light when they come over for an evening dinner on the patio.
Determine what you are lighting up
The next step is figuring out what features you want to highlight within your backyard. If you highlight everything, than nothing stands out or is special. What features do you want to show off? What area of the yard did you work the hardest on? What new features did you recently add? Do you have a favorite reading area? Perhaps consider putting a light in the tree or above in a pergola and direct the light down, over your shoulder.
Lighting can be placed anywhere but some spots make it an absolute must. Those include paths, entries, driveways, steps, decks or patios. A common mistake people tend to do is only lighting the top of a staircase, try not to do this because you will end up casting a shadow down the steps and that makes it hard to judge the distance and can create a fall hazard.
Are you looking to add lighting to the outside of your home? Leave it to the experts at Illuminations USA. We offer outdoor lighting fixtures and solutions and we will make your backyard look great at night. For more information, give us a call today at 407-880-0700!