If you’re going to install landscape lighting outside of your home, you should do more than just put up a few lights and shine them in the general direction of your home. You should take advantage of the tried and true landscape lighting techniques that have proven to accent certain landscaping designs. They can improve the look of your property and make your landscaping investments more than worth it. Check out a few of the most common techniques below.
This is one of the most oft-used landscape lighting techniques. As its name would suggest, it involves taking one or more lights, placing them at the base of a tree, plant, or other outdoor feature, and letting the light highlight the feature for you. You can play around with the angle of the light to see what makes the feature look best.
If you don’t want all of the focus to be on one specific feature, shadowing might be a better approach for you to take. To carry out this technique, simply take a light fixture, place it near the base of your feature, and aim it towards a wall on your home. This will create shadows and will look extra cool when the wind blows and moves your trees and plants around.
If you have a landscaping feature that has a really prominent shape, silhouetting it can really bring it to life. This technique involves placing a light source behind a feature and aiming it at the wall behind it to create an illuminated backdrop that will show off the shape of your feature. It looks absolutely amazing during a sunset.
Do you want the focus of your landscape lighting to be more on your home than your actual landscaping? Up-lighting will make it happen. To achieve the perfect up-lighting, you should place spotlight fixtures close to your home and point them up. Once the sun goes down, all eyes will be on your beautiful home.
Regardless of which landscape lighting technique you want to use, Illuminations, USA can make it happen. Call us at 407-880-0700 today to instantly improve your home’s curb appeal with our landscape lighting options.