LEDs, Horticulture and Tomatoes

Not only are LED lights used in night lighting, art lighting, porch and outdoor lighting, they are also being used in horticulture. Yes, horticulture. With LED lights, the benefits are so numerous that companies are seeing what other uses LEDs may have.

Dutch researchers, for example, believe that growing tomatoes may produce more vitamin C if exposed to LED lamps, as per early research results. In the article, “LED lights give vitamin C boost to tomatoes,” Fresh Fruit Portal reports, “The research program will continue on in a new joint facility in Bleiswijk dedicated to investigating LED lamps in horticulture. Research has begun on other fruit and vegetables as well to determine the light’s impact on nutritional value and flavor.” If results are positive, that growing fruit and vegetables respond more to LED lamps, we may soon see LEDs revolutionizing the horticulture industry. The BLT you plan on ordering for lunch today may include a tomato that was “grown” using LEDs. What do you think?

LED outdoor lightingEvery day, it seems that people are using LEDs for new and exciting things. LEDs are certainly shaping the way we live. While we will not be able to help you with horticulture, Illuminations USA can transform your front- or backyard into a diode wonderland. If you are in the Central Florida area, contact us today!

Source: http://www.freshfruitportal.com/2013/05/10/led-lights-give-vitamin-c-boost-to-tomatoes/
